Hosachiguru Smart Farms: Precision to Decision Agriculture

January 8, 2021

Author: Ruchi Renavikar


India is an agricultural powerhouse with 60% of its land under cultivation (The World Bank, 2016). Despite India’s status as a global powerhouse, agriculture is a highly resource-intensive industry. In the last decade, unsustainable irrigation methods, fertilizer, and pesticidal abuse, poor soil fertility and over-tillage have perhaps been the most damaging factors to soil health and agricultural yield. As a result of declining crop yields, food prices have shot up. The Covid-19 Pandemic has placed immense pressure on the agricultural industry. As an essential service industry, it is therefore important to elevate efficiency in agriculture.

New trends in agriculture seek to enhance crop management under precisely measured conditions. Smart agriculture is the implementation of the Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing & Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance agricultural yield while maintaining the integrity of the natural hydro-geological systems. The Internet of Things (IOT), is a three-tier system:

Tier 1 Perception Layer: It includes Sensors which monitor real-time data from the field.

Tier 2 Network Layer: It is a network of Devices (computers, PC’s, Hardware) used to collect and store real-time data.

Tier 3 Application layer: Utilises real-time data and combines it with specific prediction and analysis models to visualise and understand the raw data.

At Hosachiguru we combine the Internet of Things (IOT) system with Artificial Intelligence to analyse real-time data and create prediction models for weather forecasts based on trend analysis. This allows us to prepare our farm management practices based on predicted climatic conditions. Remote equipment operated from central data centres, smartphones or wireless devices, reduce manual labour, increase efficiency and associated costs. Over-all IOT and AI allows us to expedite work cycles and manage farms efficiently. IOT is changing the landscape of data monitoring into wireless devices that deliver accurate micro-climatic information. Smart irrigation systems which are automated through IOT system, allows monitoring of water flows into the farm along with recharge of natural aquifers. Our sensors, monitor and predict micro-climatic and soil conditions specific to each farm.

Hosachiguru farms use IOT & AI for:

Crop monitoring, Remote Irrigation, Disease control, Weather Forecasting (microclimate prediction), Signal controlling, automation of controls and processes, Soil and water monitoring.



What is unique about Hosachiguru management style, is that we employ traditional farming practices along with smart agriculture monitoring systems. Data Driven intelligence is used to guide implementation and management at our farms, giving customers optimum crop yield benefits. Integrating a sustainable systems approach to farming allows us to replenish the groundwater table and improve soil nutrient cycling, without using harsh chemical fertilizers. End-to-end farm management is more precise with smart agriculture systems. Our farms also remain climate resilient as forecasting micro & macro conditions, allows to us increase the preparedness of our technical and on-ground teams in taking informed decisions on irrigation, soil and crop management.

The following Parameters are monitored by our weather stations and individual sensors: (Devices used are solar-powered and can run for up to 1 month even during the monsoons)

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air pressure
  • Vapour-Pressure Difference
  • Soil Temperature
  • Soil Moisture at Primary Root Zone
  • Soil Moisture at Secondary Root Zone
  • Rainfall
  • Leaf Wetness
  • Lux (Illumination)
  • Solar Intensity
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction

Our devices are programmed to send us configured alarms on various parameters, when they exceed or dip below an optimum range. Data is continuously monitored over 24hours and can be manipulated to predict and prevent the attack of certain pests and diseases as well.


Precision to Decision Agriculture


Monitoring agricultural systems in their natural environment also allows us to simulate and understand the complex relationships between different elements in the ecosystem. At Hosachiguru, we recognise the value of conserving and enhancing natural ecosystems. Our aim is to use precision agriculture to make educated decisions, supported by scientific research that is mutually beneficial for our customers and the environment alike.

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